It has been almost a decade since i have known that i love Philip Glass' compositions, but i have actually loved it for almost 20 years now....when Candyman came out....that is when my heart for soundtracks began. His strange view on music came across in the obscure and distressing movies he created soundtracks for like: Candyman 1&2, The Hours, Secret Window, Notes on a more conventional films: No Reservations, Kundun, and The Truman Show.
A couple of years back i had the rare chance to see his documentary: Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts, in a little indie theatre. It was in that film that i wish i had the chance to meet a man of musical genius. I may not agree with everything that Philip Glass the man is, but that has nothing to do with how talented he really is. Here is a clip from that documentary.
This Thursday, April 1st, i have the once in a lifetime (it feels like) chance to see him live....just four seats away from the front center. Right after i bought the ticket i was overwhelmed with an immeasurable amount of feelings. I don't get star struck or even really care one way or the other about people that get put into the spotlight that we put on to a pedal stool....but he is different some reason for me...i'm not in awe of him per say, but what gifts of sound and passion he has in his music. Music has the ability to change people's moods, at times actions, and thoughts. Music can create or recall a memory, just like a certain smell can. That is exactly what Philip Glass' music does for me. It creates new experiences that haven't even happened yet, but those that i dream of. So this performance will not only be an amazing performance, but also a celebration of my house closing finally the day before. This is going to be a great week.
The concert i'm going to: