April 3, 2010


The entire night he would introduce each piece or section that he was going to perform...it was like i was in a trance. I will get some video of it all up here when i can, until then, you'll just have to take my word. Even then when i do post it, you won't get the real effect of it all....it's hard to explain something that you can barely understand yourself.

As i mentioned before, I don't get awe-struck with supposedly "famous people." I don't really care...but this night i was a complete wreck...you would have thought i fell and hurt myself. I will admit that i actually teared up when he came out...it was like seeing a miracle in front of your eyes...maybe most of you don't know what i'm talking about because you've never seen a miracle happen...so it was like a dream you have been dreaming about since you were a little kid came true EXACTLY how you imagined it would be....that's about as close as i can describe how i felt to be there. My breath was taken from me and i was living in a dream that became a reality. To be extremely cheesy: "Dreams really do come true."

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