9:11pm : driving home from seattle
9:22pm : phone call only to wake someone up (short call to say the least)
9:45pm : CRASH
So i'm driving home from seattle after a great evening in the park with my c.group, when i decide to make a few phone calls. Since i have a 45min drive, i have all the time in the world. I was singing in the car as usual...then it all began. I'm on the freeway 15min from home now...there are only two lanes and i'm in the fast lane (probably) passing someone...but there was no one behind me...close to half a mile back (on my side...the other lane did have some cars in it)...when all of a sudden i check my rearview mirror, and i kid you not...just like a movie...the car comes flying...i'm already going 60+mph it's going at least 90+ because i didn't even have the chance to move to another lane or the thought of speeding up didn't even accur to me...so i braced for the impact...i breaked...and breaked hard at the last possible moment...it all happened so fast i was in pure shock that this was even happening to me. some how we both pull over to the right hand shoulder. i hit my head my head rest but the airbags didn't deploy, so no drama there...no total...i realize i'm a little too close to open my door without getting hit, so i pull a little closer to the edge...so does the car that hits me...i turn my car off, step out of my car towards the car behind me and see that his blinker is on...his lights are smashed (yet are not broke...lights still gleeming at me so i can't see the plates)...i see that its two white males in their late teens early 20s...he backs up a little so he can pull out and then peals out...i catch the first part of the plates WA 746-??? it was a grey or white honda civic 2-door hatchback i believe (how i got all that info in the dark, in shock, is beyond me...i think wanting to be a cop still i went into police mode a bit)...i called 911 and i told them not to send the fire department, because i wasn't bleeding or hurt, just a headache and a little emotional...i talked with dispatch to send me a trooper and then all the paperwork would begin...once i got off the phone with the cops and my mom who was frantic (as well as she should have been...love my moms), i posted my FB status...probably should have waited a bit on that, but i wasn't really thinking straight...because then everyone started posting and calling and texting...and the cops hadn't even come yet...too much...i put my phone on silent.
i got done with all the paper work and the state trooper doesn't think they'd find the kids who did this because i only got a partial plate, but if they got pulled over for a light being out (which it wasn't when they sped off) then at least they would have the description i had for them. You never really think these type of things would happen to you (i mean, i've never until now...been in a serious car crash)...you never think people would just leave a scene after they've hit you....but it does happen...it happened to me. the worst part about it all probably for me is...it wasn't an accident. They were flying behind me on purpose...yeah, maybe they were high or racing (very common in this area...but there wasn't another car there to race against)...but to pull over and then to peal out when i get out of the car...yeah you should be afraid...very...because i can tell you now, if i had a car that could catch up to them (ie: their car was a little soupped up if you know what i mean...you could hear the exhaust real loud) then i might have jumped back in my car after them, just to get a plate number.
i'm just glad i'm ok...in one piece and that my car isn't totaled. I know that God saved me last night...it makes no sense why my car is in one piece, that i'm not seriously injured, and that no other cars were involved in the crash...it's unreal to describe it, but it was just like a movie...that was my life last night.
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